Guru of Mind

Terms of Service

Terms of Service for Spiritual Mentorship Program

This agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between Guru Enterprise LLC, hereinafter referred to as the “Mentor,” and the participant in the spiritual mentorship program, hereinafter referred to as the “Mentee.”

1. Nature of Mentorship

1.1 Scope of Services: Guru Enterprise LLC, through its service Guru of Mind, represented by the Mentor, agrees to provide spiritual mentorship services to the Mentee. These services include guidance, support, and insights based on personal experiences and knowledge.

1.2 Non-Professional Status: The Mentor explicitly declares that they are not a licensed counselor, therapist, psychologist, or any other licensed mental health professional. The services provided by the Mentor, operating under the name Guru of Mind, are not a substitute for professional counseling, therapy, or medical advice. The Mentor acknowledges and the Mentee understands that the mentorship relationship does not establish a professional counseling or therapeutic relationship.

1.3 Entertainment Disclaimer: The Mentorship, provided under the name Guru of Mind, is offered solely for entertainment purposes. Any insights or guidance provided should be considered as subjective opinions and personal beliefs. The Mentor explicitly disclaims any guarantee of specific outcomes or results, and the Mentee acknowledges that the information provided is not to be construed as professional advice.

2. Relationship Boundaries

2.1 Purpose of Mentorship: The Mentor-Mentee relationship, facilitated through the service Guru of Mind, is established exclusively for the purpose of spiritual mentorship and guidance. It does not create a professional relationship beyond the scope of spiritual mentorship.

2.2 Personal Responsibility: The Mentor emphasizes that the Mentee retains full personal responsibility for their own decisions and actions, both during and after the mentorship. The Mentor does not assume any responsibility for the consequences, positive or negative, resulting from the Mentee’s choices.

3. Confidentiality

3.1 Confidentiality Agreement: Both parties agree to maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding all information shared during the mentorship sessions facilitated by Guru of Mind. This includes, but is not limited to, personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The Mentor shall not disclose any information shared by the Mentee unless required by law.

3.2 Non-Disclosure: The Mentor commits not to disclose the identity of the Mentee or any details of the discussions outside of the mentorship sessions facilitated by Guru of Mind without explicit written consent from the Mentee.

4. Limits of Liability

4.1 Decision-Making Disclaimer: The Mentor, operating under the name Guru of Mind, expressly disclaims any liability for decisions or actions taken by the Mentee based on the guidance provided during the mentorship. The Mentor is not responsible for the outcome or consequences of the decisions made by the Mentee.

4.2 Emotional Well-being: The Mentor, through the service Guru of Mind, is not responsible for any outcomes, including but not limited to emotional distress, arising from the mentorship sessions. The Mentee acknowledges that the mentorship may involve exploring sensitive or emotional topics and agrees to take full responsibility for their emotional well-being.

5. Consent to Mentorship

5.1 Voluntary Participation: The Mentee acknowledges and agrees that their participation in the mentorship program facilitated by Guru of Mind is entirely voluntary. They are participating willingly and are under no obligation to follow any guidance provided by the Mentor. The Mentee is encouraged to seek professional advice for any matters that require it.

6. Termination of Mentorship

6.1 Termination Process: Either party may terminate the mentorship relationship facilitated by Guru of Mind at any time, with or without cause, by providing written notice to the other party. Upon termination, any ongoing mentorship sessions will be concluded, and the Mentor is not obligated to provide further guidance.

7. Modifications to Terms

7.1 Notification of Changes: The Mentor operating under the name Guru of Mind reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. The Mentee will be notified of any changes, and continued participation in the mentorship program facilitated by Guru of Mind implies acceptance of the modified terms. It is the responsibility of the Mentee to review the terms periodically.

8. Governing Law

8.1 Legal Jurisdiction: This Agreement, including services provided under the name Guru of Mind, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Your Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved in the appropriate courts of [Your Jurisdiction].

9. Ownership and Operation

9.1 Guru of Mind is Owned and Operated by Guru Enterprise LLC: The spiritual mentorship program, Guru of Mind, is owned and operated by Guru Enterprise LLC. Any reference to “Guru of Mind” or “Mentor” in this Agreement refers to Guru Enterprise LLC as the legal entity providing mentorship services.

10. Contact Information

10.1 Communication Channel: For any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, please contact us at ([email protected]).

By participating in the spiritual mentorship program facilitated by Guru of Mind, the Mentee acknowledges that they have read, understood, and explicitly agreed to these terms.